talk, panel & workshop


Academic | selection

Discovering design narratives to humanize organizations. Workshop and talk at the ADIM Conference 2019 at Loughborough University, London, 20/06/2019.

Interdependencies of design practices and organizational design narratives. Workshop and talk at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, 15/06/2019.

Bridging the gap: Conducting a design-driven Industry-Ph.D. Invited keynote at the Swiss Grad Net, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, CH,27/09/2018.

Design as an activity. Open talk at the Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China 06/04/2018.

Nudging a human-centered organizational transformation. Harvesting by design thinking and beyond. Talk at the DMA Collective 2018 Professional Development Workshop at RMIT
Barcelona, 16/062018.

Humanizing organizations – the pathway to growth. Workshop and talk at the ServDes Conference 2018 DMA at Politeco University, Milano, 19/06/2018.

Workshop Design Thinking & Organizational Development. 
Lecture at the Executive Master Seminar at the Ruhr-University Bochum 08/12/17.

Implementing digital innovation through design thinking in the German automotive industry: the interplay between headquarters and innovation labs. Talk at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium: The Good Organization: Using Design in, around and for good organizations, Copenhagen DK 07/07/17

Design thinking, thinking design. Keynote at the Folkwang University of the arts, Essen 08/05/17

Unraveling and designing the interplay of research and practice. Keynote at the HBK Bern Research Symposium, Bern, CH 01/03/17

Today’s and tomorrow’s design researcher: reinventing the intersection.
Workshop at Ph.D. by Design at the 50th Design Research Conference, Brighton UK 30/06/16

Design-driven thinking. Transdisciplinary collaboration in innovation processes. Talk at the PhD by Design Conference at Goldsmith College, London UK 05/11/15

Research through design – how to reframe the future role of a designer? Talk at the Brand Academy, Hamburg 14/12/15

Design Research – Transfer – Industry. Workshop at the DGTF Unconference 2014 at the Constance University of Applied Sciences 17/10/14

Mobility 2050 – Foresight Methods. Master Class at the Department of Industrial Design at the Technical University, Munich 05/07/13


Practice | selection

Designers: Voice of ethics in technology-dominated systems? Berlin Design Week | Panel Moderation, 13/05/2023. 

Designing Resilience. Kreativwirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg, 16/01/2023. 

Human-Centeredness through the application of Design Thinking.
Expert Talk at the MBA Program of Health Management at the Vivantes Hospital Berlin, 20/09/2019.

Humanizing work by design. Invited keynote at the 1st Design Culture Org Meetup at Mindspace, Frankfurt, 20/11/2018.

Design thinking: Gaining empathy for customers and employees.
Workshop and talk at the Expert Forum of d.velop | cebit, Hannover 12/05/18.

The future of democracy. New partnerships for managing change. Workshop at the Competence Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries of the Federal Government, Berlin 11/05/17

What IT and Design can learn from each other. Keynote at the Design meets IT Conference of Bitkom, Dortmund 04/05/17

The Future of EU-Turkey Relations – Scenario Building Workshop. Workshop at the Mercator Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey 06-07/10/16

Yes, we can – how do organizations change through design thinking?
Bar-Camp Session at the Innovation Summit, Hamburg 30/05/16

Design Thinking as a strategic driver for collaboration.
Keynote at the Design Thinking Camp, Frankfurt 31/10/15

Moderation2 Kopie